After 12


Clockwork orange, agent orange, or just a fruit orange. The rays of the sun and so so many other things. The radiant color should be honored as all others. with jokes and clever puns putting it to use. Orange you glad you didn't miss this?

Festive And Fruity

carrot mustard orange passed out pineapple - 5099419392

Oompa Loompa Doompadee Drunk

beer orange outdoors passed out red bull stacking - 4433438208
Created by Unknown


club gross orange Party tan - 4366511616
Created by Unknown

No Dude, I'm Not Just Gonna Give You All of My Pills!

fruit orange pills - 6230220544

Carmen Miranda!

carrot drunk gross mustard orange passed out pineapple - 4602559488
Via goodbye forever fatty

Orange You Glad To Be My Friend?

club drunk fake girl gross orange Party tan - 4561311744

Didn't Know Oranges Could Do That

bottle orange beer pee - 8211048192
Via Buddha in Hair

My Mouth is Ready

after 12 cocktail fruit g rated orange recipe - 6001470464
Via Reddit