After 12


Don't do drugs. Just laugh at all the crazy things that can happen and the punny and trippy jokes they lead to. From a distance is best.

It Is Cool, Just Not Legal

brewing is as cool as growing weed
Via Brewstagram

Follow the Kandi Troll

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Side-Effects Include:

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Welcome to Seattle!

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Hobbits Love Their Longbottom Leaf

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Are You Stoned Right Now?

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Via High Times Magazine

How They Really Flew To Neverland

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Two For Two!

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Is That So?

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Which Ones Are the Special Brownies?

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I Need This Shower and I Need it NOW

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American Girl Dolls Sell Drugs?

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Via sleepyhouse

Get Ready For a Visit From the Info Police (Relax, They're Cool)

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Via College Humor


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Created by Dana

Wow...Now That's High

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Via unknown

High Five Really Likes Twinkies and Adventure Time

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1 2 3 4 5

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